名誉(Meiyo )
I am Roksana, I am 14 years old and I come from Poland. I attend Primary School No. 21 in Rzeszów. I'm at a bilingual class. My favorite subjects are: English, biology and German. I am very good at foreign languages and in the future I want to learn how to speak Japanese. I adore Japan, its culture, language and food. I also have a strange and not always acceptable interest which is anime. I think most people know what it is and I don't have to explain it. In my free time I like playing video games, buying books, hanging out with friends, improving my drawing skills and, as befits a weeaboo, I watch anime and read manga. No one in my whole life has told me that I am normal and that would guess because I am really crazy and weird. However, this does not stop me from fulfilling my dreams. When most people I know do not know what they want to do in life, I have already found my dream school and profile. However, I can't decide whether to become a doctor or work in a reserve that deals with endangered panda species. I love pandas, they are funny and so kawaii. What do you think I should choose, or do you have any other suggestions for me?