Why is it worth going to billingual class in our school?

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Wywiad z Clare

Girls from 7c billingual class interview our Scottish dance teacher .
Magda, Tosia, Maja and Anastazja prepared some questions to Clare.
Enjoy listening to their interview with her



Billingual class offers numerous different practical lessons outside:
our class visited PCN Łukasiewicz and took part in educational workshops, saw aviation, nature and educational toys exhibition .
It was a great experience and a chance to practice English


Zwiedzali Francję (cyfrowo)

This time we were visiting France and getting to know French culture using digital equipment.
A great lesson of French history and culture



On April 23, we made numerous projects about Earth Day and we learned a lot from them.
Earth Day(April 22) was first celebrated on 1970.
It was created by Senator Gaylord Nelson, who witnessed the ravages of a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara and California.
He was inspired by the student anti-war movement and wanted to infuse protests with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution.
Also, he recruited Denis Hayes- a young activist, who later on built a national staff of 85 to promote the idea of Earth Day.
You may ask, why is it important? Our forests, rivers, oceans and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we irrigate our crops with.
Many people don't realize how dire the state of the environment is becoming. That is why educating them about this topic is so crucial.
On Earth Day and every day, we have the opportunity to make a difference.
Whether it's planting trees, reducing our carbon footprint, or advocating for policy changes, each of us has a role to play in protecting the planet we call home.
Even one small thing can change a lot. There are some of our ideas:
- start using bikes instead of cars
- always turn off the light when we leave a room
- recycle
- stop using plastic bags
If you protect the Earth now, you surely won't regret it!
Antonina Chowaniec, Anastasia Belaja i Sandra Fluda z klasy 7c


Why billingual class is worth a try?
Why is worth going to billingual class according to students of 7c ?
Watch our film and don't hesitate to try your adventure with English.
Billingual education is a step ahead.


Klasa 8b nagrała film : dlaczego warto uczyć się w klasie dwujęzycznej?
Zachęcamy do obejrzenia!

Why is is worth going to bilingual class?
A bilingual class gives students the opportunity to learn normal academic content like math, science, and social studies, as well as two languages. You will learn to read and write in two languages, gain valuable knowledge of other cultures and ways of life, and have broader opportunities for travel and jobs. Our students from 8b express their opinion of attenting bilingual class in our school?


Creative teachers
         Smart students
                                  Innovative school 21
                                                 Be bilingual with us.

Klasa dwujęzyczna z innowacją SPANGLISH czyli nauczanie języka hiszpańskiego z wykorzystaniem języka angielskiego.

Uczęszczając do klasy dwujęzycznej masz szansę:

  • opanować sprawności komunikowania się w języku obcym w mowie i piśmie;

  • pogłębić zakres słownictwa o terminologię specjalistyczną na wybranych przedmiotach
    (geografii, chemii , fizyce, matematyce i informatyce – prowadzonych zarówno w języku polskim jak i języku angielskim);

  • przełamywać barierę językową;

  • kontynuować dwujęzyczną naukę na dalszym etapie edukacji;

  • przyzwyczaić się do współżycia w społeczeństwie globalnym i informatycznym.

W naszej szkole w oddziale dwujęzycznym językiem obcym nowożytnym nauczanym w zwiększonej ilości godzin jest język angielski.
Treści programowe z wykorzystaniem języka angielskiego są przekazywane na przedmiotach: geografia( z wyłączeniem zagadnień dotyczących Polski) matematyka, fizyka, chemia, informatyka, historia i wiedza o społeczeństwie – z wyłączeniem zagadnień dotyczących Polski.
W naszej szkole uczymy się 3 języków obcych: angielskiego, hiszpańskiego i niemieckiego

Dla wielu osób, nauka języka obcego jest wyzwaniem. Jednak nic nie zatrzyma naszych uczniów!
 Poznajemy tajniki języka hiszpańskiego po angielsku!
Czy hiszpańska gramatyka jest podobna do angielskiej?
Dlaczego tak wiele słów hiszpańskich jest podobnych do swoich odpowiedników w języku angielskim?
Na te i inne pytania znajdziesz odpowiedź na naszych lekcjach "Spanglishu".
Nauka języka to nie tylko gramatyka czy podstawy komunikacji, ale też poznawanie kultury Hiszpanii i krajów hiszpańskojęzycznych. Nasi uczniowie tworzą dwujęzyczne projekty i poznają tradycje tego regionu świata.


Students worked with school educational robots - Photons.
Our task was to program Photon to perform a given sequence of movements using a smartphone application. Then we determined the path of our Photon and the time it took to cover a given path, which allowed us to finally calculate the speed of the Photon and draw appropriate conclusions regarding its movement.
During the lesson, we improved our ability to perform measurements and programming.


During our first day in Scotland students tried the first step of Highland dancing.
It is a style of competitive dancing developed in the Scottish Highlands in the 19th and 20th centuries.
 Highland dancing is often performed with the accompaniment of Highland bagpipe music.


“Norwegian Circular School Challenge – we are closing the circuit in ours School"

On November 12-13, 2023, students of classes 7c: Antonina Ch., Maja Cz., Michał W., Jakub M., Piotr J., Michał P. and Ignacy K and students of class 8b (Bartosz Ch., Szymon Ch., Hanna K., Oliver S. and Adam W.) under the supervision of ladies: Elżbieta Pikus and Joanna Kochańska participated in a competition organized at Urban Lab Rzeszów in the form of a hackathon "Norwegian Circular School Challenge - closing the loop in our school", which aimed to engage young people in developing creative solutions, which will contribute to the development of the circular economy in Rzeszów, while building their sense of self-initiative and teamwork skills. The hackathon was supported by mentors from Norway and Poland. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn and collaborate.
The teams were tasked with developing solutions and projects that will contribute to reducing human impact on the climate and implementing the principles of the circular economy in their immediate environment. The culmination of the two-day work of the teams was the preparation of a competition presentation of their projects along with a logo and advertising slogan and its presentation in English.
We are very pleased to announce that the first place in the competition and a prize of PLN 5,000 went to a group of students from class 8b who prepared a competition entry entitled "Forniture4future".
The second team from class 7c was just behind the podium, and the presentation of the project was very popular and was appreciated by the jury.
We are very happy to congratulate all the competition participants.


On our Thursday 's Science ours class 7c were doing lots of intresting mesurments regarding density of some objects and fluids. During the lesson we had to calculate the density of an object or a fluid with given us items such as a measuring cylinder and a scale. The lesson helped us to understand how density works and how it affects the propeties of some substances. It was really funny and enjoyed the lesson very much. Our class is lokking forward to learning more about Science.


Typy gleb

During geography class, we had a special chance to work in groups, creating different soil profiles. Thanks to this activity, we successfully remembered the structure of various soil types, understood what they have in common, and also gained knowledge about where they occur in Poland. This hands-on approach to learning enriched our geographical knowledge.
Ignacy K. z klasy 7c


Modele różnych rodzajów gór

On Tuesday, September 19th, during our geography class, we created models of various types of mountains such as fold mountains, block mountains, and volcanic mountains. It was an opportunity for class integration and to reinforce the different types of mountains. Then, during our chemistry class, we brought our volcanoes to life, and they erupted using baking soda and vinegar. It was very exciting, and we will definitely remember those lessons for a long time. foto
Ignacy K. z klasy 7c

Wycieczka klas językowych do Anglii

 Relacja Bartka Kamińskiego

Maths lesson in English


Klasa dwujęzyczna 7B na zajęciach z języka angielskiego w ramach poznawania historii i kultury krajów anglosaskich zapoznała się z pochodzeniem i tradycjami święta Halloween. Uczniowie pracując w grupach oglądali filmik ćwicząc swoje umiejętności słuchania ze zrozumieniem oraz używali kodów qr pod którymi uczniowie znaleźli pytania do wcześniej oglądniętego filmu i w grupie ćwiczyli również umiejętność pisania.

We have a blast!

Klasa dwujęzyczna 7B w niekonwencjonalny sposób ćwiczyła umiejętność słuchania ze zrozumieniem.
Zadaniem uczniów było narysować to co słyszą. We have a blast!

Uczniowie klas 4 i 5 na zajęciach z języka angielskiego w ramach przygotowania do egzaminu ćwiczyli swoje umiejętności pisania w języku angielskim.
Klasa 4d i 4e przygotowała wpisy na bloga natomiast klasa 5a i 5c stworzyła zaproszenia.

Trip to Lodz

Our bilingual class 8c together with bilingual class 7b went on a trip to Lodz on September 27th.
The tour was very interesting and exciting. We left Rzeszów early in the morning and, after a long journey, we went to the Radegast Station, a place related to the history of the Łódź ghetto, where the guide told us about the history of this place in English.
After that, we went by coach towards Księży Młyn-the 19th century kingdom of cotton. It was a beautiful place built of red brick, we could listen to its story told by the guide. Then, together with an English-speaking guide, we went for a long walk down Piotrkowska Street, where we convinced how beautiful one of the most famous Polish promenades is. We saw the exceptional beauty of Art Nouveau buildings decorating the streets, and it was here that a new clothmaking settlement began to be established, which gave rise to the development of Łódź.
We stopped at OFF Piotrkowska, which took first place in the "7 new wonders of Poland" plebiscite. The last stop of our trip that day, was the beautiful Manufaktura Shopping Center, we got a lot of time there for shopping and tour this beautiful place.
The next day, immediately after breakfast, we went to the EC1 Science and Technology Center, which is a complex of buildings of the former Łódź Power Plant, where we saw lots interesting things, such as: a show in planetarium and a lecture on how to learn properly.
In planetarium, we learned an interesting story from Greek mythology, while during the lecture, each of us took careful notes, which will translate into better results in school thanks to the methods we learned at the lecture, for example pomodoro method. Then we went to a restaurant for a delicious dinner and around 2 p.m. we went back to Rzeszów.

Our math lesson yesterday was in English. Our teacher divided us into
groups and we were given a few math exercises in English to do. My
class really liked it and we had lots of fun doing them!


Europejski Dzień Języków Obcych

Dnia 26 września obchodzono Europejski Dzień Języków Obcych. Nasza szkoła zorganizowała w dniach 26-30 września Tydzień Języków Obcych. Nauczyciele językowcy przeprowadzili zajęcia językowe w formie zabaw i gier językowych, uczniowie wzięli udział w akcji „In loving memory of Queen Elizabeth II” a klasy dwujęzyczne 7B i 8C zwiedzały piękne miasto Łódź ćwicząc swoje umiejętności słuchania ze zrozumieniem w języku angielskim.

Klasy 7b i 8c odwiedziły Łódź

Klasy 7B i 8C wzięły udział w integracyjnej wycieczce do Łodzi. Odwiedziliśmy stacje Radegast, spacerowaliśmy ulica Piotrowska, minęliśmy Aleje Gwiazd, ławeczkę Tuwima, wieczór spędziliśmy w Manufakturze. Miasto zwiedzaliśmy z przewodnikiem anglojęzycznym. Drugi dzień spędziliśmy w centrum nauki i techniki i mieliśmy okazję uczestniczyć w bardzo ciekawych warsztatach pt: " Jak uczyć się samodzielnie". To z pewnością nie ostatni wyjazd do Łodzi.


W tegorocznej edycji konkursu kuratoryjnego z języka angielskiego finalistkami zostały:
Maja L. i Wiktoria T.- uczennice dwujęzycznej klasy 8c.

W konkursie kuratoryjnym z języka hiszpańskiego laureatką została Manoline A. i finalistką Blanka W. obie z dwujęzycznej klasy 8c.
Opiekunem naszych poliglotek jest p.
Edyta Gómez.

Zwycięzcy ogólnopolskiego konkursu English High Flier!

Z dumą informujemy, że dwa pierwsze miejsca w województwie podkarpackim na poziomie klas ósmych
zajmują uczniowie dwujęzycznej
klasy 8c Igor Ś. i Wiktoria T. Oboje uplasowali się w pierwszej 10 w skali kraju.
Wysokie wyniki uzyskali również uczniowie
Magdalena B. Maria K. i Mateusz F. (8b), Manoline A., Nela O., Oliwia B., Karolina K., Anna P., Antonina R., Miłosz K., oraz Dominika B wszyscy z klasy 8c.
Na poziomie klas siódmych najlepsze wyniki uzyskali uczniowie dwujęzycznej klasy
7c: Jan K., Mirela S. i Damian Sz. (Pierwsza 10 na Podkarpaciu) i kolejno Maria M., Helena T., oraz Aleksandra H.
W konkursie uczestniczyło 5029 uczniów z 251 szkół z czego w województwie podkarpackim było to 707 uczniów z 26 szkół.
Well done!


 Forget-me-not! Nie zapomnij o mnie??? To nazwa kolejnego ogólnopolskiego konkursu z języka angielskiego pod patronatem czasopisma "Języki Obce w Szkole". Do konkursu przystąpili uczniowie dwujęzycznej klasy 8c oraz 1 uczeń z klasy 8a. Podczas pracy z materiałami przygotowawczymi do konkursu, ósmoklasiści mieli sposobność rozwijania słownictwa, utrwalania struktur gramatycznych i funkcji językowych przydatnych do majowego egzaminu. Konkurs odbył się w dniu 21 kwietnia 2022. Trzymamy kciuki za jak najlepsze wyniki!

Healthy lifestyle according to class 7b

Our class 7c are discussing the topic ‘’ Healthy lifestyle’’ on English lessons and we prepare some tips for you how to stay healthy and keep fit.

A healthy diet includes:

 - Eating lots of vegetables and fruit. This is one of the most important diet habits.
 - Choosing whole grain foods
- Eating protein foods
- Limiting highly and ultra-processed foods
- Making water your drink of choice.
Watch our presentation and daily healthy plans prepared by our classmates.

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May your days be happy and bright with all the success and prosperity you deserve!
Wishing the happiest of New Year 2022 to the best teacher the world has ever known!
May your days be filled with joy and peace!
Billingual class 7c and form teacher

Klasy dwujęzyczne 7c i 8 c wzięły udział w warsztatach językowych w ramach programu Euroweek.
Zachęcamy do obejrzenia prezentacji: 

Tongue Twisters Day -Dzień Łamańców Językowych 8.11.2021

 Prezentacja o dwujęzyczności w naszej szkole zrobiona przez ucznia klasy 8B
dla młodszych kolegów i koleżanek chcących dowiedzieć się czegoś o nas. Zobacz!


Every week you can read about one of us in here.
We will tell you about our hobbies, dreams and reasons why we have decided to improve and expand our English skills.
We hope you will like it!



Hi everyone !!!!

It’s time to know our class 7b – a new bilingual class in our school.
We have started ‘’our journey’’ in Primary School number 21 this year in September.
Our class 7b consists of 29 students : there are more girls and only six cute boys.
Our class differs in characters, peronalities and temperaments but we have created a very nice team – TEAM THAT WE CALLED

All of us love learning English and enjoy having some subjects in English for example: Maths, Geography, IT, Science and Chemistry.
We use English non-stop even during breaks or when we talk to each other.
ENGLISH IS OUR CUP OF TEA AND LOVE LEARNING THIS LANGUAGE. The second language that we master is SPANISH and the third is GERMAN.
We learn three foreign languages and in two years time we will be mutlilingual ):team.
We spend a great time with our new class every day and enjoy the time after attending extra classes e.g. :PE ,English CLUB lessons or going out together with our Team 7b.

Our class has a lot of great ideas to organise actitvities ,trips and events in our school.
In September girls from our class organised funny ‘’Boys’ Day ‘’and special gifts for our six cute handsome boys.
Then our class preapred‘’Teacher’s Day ‘’ for the teachers in school.

each of us wrote a profile about himeself or herself so you can read and get to know us better.
Read our profile about our hobbies and interests and find out more about our TEAM 7B


Lekcje historii w klasie dwujęzycznej

Dwujęzyczna klasa 8c na lekcjach historii nie tylko chłonie wiedzę, ale także potrafi ją wykorzystać, pokazując procesy i zmiany zachodzące w społeczeństwie. Dodatkowo doskonaląc pracę zespołową.
Good job!

Students from 7th grade carried out an interesting project concerning making a special model of an atom of a chemical element. At the beginning each pupil had to choose the model they wanted to make. Our works differed from one another. Some of them had wire covers or more rigid metal ones. The others were made of polystyrene or even cardboard. The electrons, protons and neutrons were usually polystyrene and some of them were made of plasticine. It was an interesting experience for us. foto


During our geography lesson we talked about disasters in the world. Luciana from class 8c told us about the earthquakes she experienced when she lived in Mexico. She showed us how to act in such situations in her presentation.
It was a very interesting geography lesson

That what we made on next to last geography lesson.

We created model of three types of mountains. We used to perform it plasticine and toothpicks. My group had to create volcano mountains. Other teams had to make folded or log mountains. We had only 45 minuts to do it but we did it correct. I really enjoyed this lesson because it was really creative and nice. We tried to cooperate and I hope we did it.  foto
Marysia M. z klasy 7c

Dzień Ziemi

On April 22 we celebrate the most popular and important environmental holiday in the world - Earth Day! This event should not be passed by indifferently, on the contrary. It is a great opportunity to talk about nature, ecology and how we can take care of our planet.
On this occasion 7th grade students made posters in which they presented how they think we can take care of our planet.

A virtual journey into the Amazon Rainforest

Imagine a forest where the trees are huge and reach up to several tens of meters. Their crowns obscure the sky so effectively that it is dark near the ground. It is extremely hot in this forest both at any time of the day and all year round. In addition, it is extremely humid, with heavy rains almost every day. This is what equatorial forests are like - a place with the greatest diversity of organisms in the world.
Pupils of grade 8b went on a virtual journey through the Amazon forest during their geography lesson. They also wondered whether the existence of the rainforest is threatened by logging and human activity.
prezentacja1   prezentacja2   prezentacja3

Przestrzenne modele atomu

During one of the chemistry lessons students from 7th grade carried out an interesting project concerning making a special model of an atom of a chemical element. At the beginning each pupil had to choose the model they wanted to make. Our works differed from one another. Some of them had wire covers or more rigid metal ones. The others were made of polystyrene or even cardboard. The electrons, protons and neutrons were usually polystyrene and some of them were made of plasticine. It was a nice and enjoyable chemistry lesson.
Moreover, the teacher announced the competition for the most beautiful and the best made model of an atom element. All students of our class participated in this competition. We selected the winners by voting. The awarded works were really beautiful. It is a pity that there is not any inter-school competition to show them.
WIKTORIA T. z klasy 7c

Zapraszamy w podróż po Kenii

uring geography lesson Zosia, a student of 8b class, encouraged her friends to go on vacation to Kenya. She took us on a virtual trip to this country.
During the exotic trip we had the opportunity to get to know the natural environment of this charming country, and especially the richness of its fauna: zebras, elephants, leopards, buffaloes. We saw what attracts tourists from all over the world.... white, sandy beaches, safari, flocks of flamingos, coral reefs, national parks. During the lesson we had a chance to see different photos, souvenirs from Kenya. We also saw the "Top Ten" of Kenya, which are the 10 biggest attractions of this beautiful country.
We invite you on a journey through Kenya.

Pamiątki Kenia  Prezentacja

Lekcja pełna eksperymentów!
My dad, who is an empleyee at Pratt and Whitney Rzeszów, visited us to do a physic lesson about pressure on Friday 31st of January. He brought a suitcase with some staff that was needed to do experiments.
The first experiment was about a glass of water. He filled a half of the glass with water and put a piece of plastic on it. Then he turned the glass upside down, the water didn’t fall out,.
The second experiment was about Magdeburg hemispheres. We repeated an experiment which was originally done in Magdeburg in 1654. We had two suction cups which we connected together, pulled the air out and tried to pull apart. After a few tries we achieved what we wanted and separated the cups – hemispheres.
After that the third experiment came, which we did with help of two balloons and a valve that was connecting them. One of the balloons was fully filled with air and the second one was half filled with it.
The last experiment was about implosion. We took a can with a bit of water in it and boiled the water using the burner. When the water was boiled it filled out the can by vapor. Then we put the opener upside down to the cold water to cool it down. In the result the can imploded without using any physical power.
The class really enjoyed the lesson and at the end everybody got a balloon and reflective keyring with the logo of the company.
Anastazja M. z klasy 7b

Klasy 8 tworzą obwody elektryczne

Hi, I’m Wojtek and today I’m gonna write about an amazing physics lesson that me and my class had in December. The topic of that lesson was ”Electric current”. At the begin of the lesson our teacher showed to us a few formulas for electric voltage, current, time and resistance.Then she distributed to us receiver in the form of mini lamp, some cables, energy source and then let us create from those things energy for our lamp.When we were creating energy for our mini lamps the teacher gave us work cards on that we had to write our calculations.Then she gave us ammeter and voltmeter to count voltage and insensitivity in our electric wires. After a few calculations the teacher took work cards from us to judge our activity. I hope that grades will be only positive. I think that this type of lesson is better than normal sometimes boring lessons because we were working practically,not only theoretically so it’s more interesting and much more students are active during it. A lot of people link school with monotonny and boredom. I think that was a nice change.

Wigilia Klasowa 8b

On December 20th the whole school community took part in Christmas Eve. All students actively joined in the preparations of cakes, cookies, dumplings and other Christmas Eve dishes. On this solemn day students of our school in festive costumes shared a wafer, sang Christmas carols and made wishes. Everyone could feel the atmosphere of the upcoming Christmas. Class 8B wants to wish everyone the fulfillment of innermost dreams, happiness and nothing but success in the coming year.

Geography lesson about china!

On October 30 in a bilingual class 8b there was an interesting geography lesson, in which students got to know a completely different, Chinese culture. The students of Nina, Maja, Rozalia and Julia prepared a multimedia presentations and also shared souvenirs that their relatives brought from China. Maja had a chance to meet her peer from China at the language camp. maneki

Chemiczne eksperymenty

Thanks to our chemistry teacher we made on the experimental chemistry lesson about the rainbow and we used the principle of density. We were preparing salty solutions with a little bit of colourful dye. We were working in 6 groups and only one group finished the experiment. The fun was wonderful. I hope we will do something like that again.
Wiktoria,8b foto

Warsztaty z języka hiszpańskiego

On October 25 at 6 o'clock in the morning the whole class went on a trip to Krakow. The trip was funded by the parish of St. Michael the Archangel for winning classic sports competition. We arrived at 9 o'clock. We started our guided tour of Krakow from the Krakow Ghetto. It is a very poor and old district of Krakow. While browsing the Jewish quarter, we ate delicious Krakow casseroles. Then we went to see several Krakow synagogues and a Jewish cemetery. At the end of our tour we stopped by at the shopping gallery where we spend some time watching a movie Maleficent 2 at the local movie theater. That was the last point of our trip. Happy and a little bit tired, we returned to school where our parents picked us up. foto

Warsztaty z języka hiszpańskiego

Our school has joined Nationwide Eyeglass Collection Campaign for Africa. Mrs Justyna Wit and class 8b organized collecting sunglasses and eyeglasses. We gathered 200 pairs of glasses which were taken by students from 8b to the clinic owned by Professor Zagorski. Then, they are going to go to people in need in Africa.
                           Kaja 8b

Chemistry lesson in class 7B

On one of our first lessons of chemistry we made an experiment. This experiment was based on calculating the density of a few liquids. E.g. body shampoo, washing liquid, water, oil, pepsi. First we had to calculate which of three liquids had the highest density. Then we took a test-tube and poured them into them. What was fascinating was that the liquids didn’t mix but made a colorful mixture that created different “levels” of liquids. It was a really delightful lesson of not just learning but fun.  foto

Klasa 7b w Pradze i Górach Stołowych

The first day we took a six hours long coach ride from our school in Rzeszow to Zloty Stok in south - western Poland. There, we met the guide, who told us about the process of obtaining gold. Then, students explored the gold mine. After long, tiring day we checked in our hotel, had dinner, went shopping and for a walk to the park. The next day we had to wake up early to go to Prague in Czech Republic. We saw a lot in the city, for example the great view of the capital, St Vitus Cathedral, endless tower of books and crossed the Charles Bridge. Then we spent some time at Waclaw Square. Everyone felt exhausted but happy. The third day was, for me, the funniest. We packed all our belongings, ate breakfast and checked out. We went to Stolowe Mountains, which are near the place we stayed in . We walked around 600 steps to reach the summit of one mountain. We had a break there and went down to the bus. Next, we went to another place. There everything got out of hand. We were walking on narrow, wooden bars over a muddy area, with rocks around us. Sometimes the place between them wasn't wide enough, that we had to squeeze ourselves through it. It was so funny. Once, I almost fell into the mud. Our guide showed us snow, lingering in the lowest parts of the mountains and weirdly named rocks, such as 'the monkey'. After break time we were ready for a long drive back. I think all students enjoyed that trip and want to go somewhere in the next term.  foto

Pożegnanie z Londynem

Day 6 - Today was our last day in England. We woke up earlier and we set off to Cambridge. We saw one of the best universities in Europe - Cambridge University. Students told us about the history of their school and showed us their typical school day. We saw for example Queens' College and Corpus Christi College. We were impressed with the architecture of this university. Then visited the Cambridge Market. After that we got to the airport and came back to Poland. Our trip to London and Cambridge was unforgettable. We had a great time in England.

Kolejny dzień w słonecznym Londynie

Day 4 - Today was a very busy day. We had a tour through museums. We went to the Science Museum and Natural History Museum where we could see some interactive exhibitions, skeletons of dinosaurs and wonders of technology. If someone was done with those museums and still had some time left they could go to the museum on the other side of the street - Victoria and Albert Museum. Our next stop was at the Trafalgar Square where we saw Admiral Nelson’s column. Then we went to the National Gallery to see paintings of famous artists from all over Europe. We had some interesting tasks to do there. Afterwards we had some free time at Leicester Square. We had an opportunity to taste some Asian food and buy souvenirs. It was a very exciting day.

Kolejny dzień w słonecznym Londynie

Day3 - Today was a fantastic day. At first, we went to the most popular bridge in London - Tower Bridge. After that, we walked next to the longest and the biggest river in Great Britian- Thames. Then, we visited the Tate Modern. We saw there a lot of paintings by the most popular painters in the world. It was very impressive. Then we went to the London Museum. We got to know almost everything about the history of London and a lot of interesting facts about this city. After that, we walked through the Covent Garden. This is one of the most expensive streets in London. It was such an amazing day with a lot of cool experiences and attractions.

Kolejna grupa naszych uczniów zwiedza Londyn (klasy 7b i 3c)

Day1 - Today is the 19th May, the beginning of our London adventure. We gathered at the Jasionka Airport at half past eight, we said goodbye to our parents and went through all the airport
procedures. Then at eleven o’clock our plane took off. Everyone enjoyed the flight. When we landed we realised that the weather is actually really nice and different from what we expected. Then we got on the bus from the airport. Our first stop was Greenwich. It’s a lovely borough in England known for its maritime history and geographical importance. The flight made us really hungry so we decided to go to the marketplace with food trucks. There
was a lot of delicious food from all over the world. Then we visited National Museum and the Royal Observatory where the Prime Meridian is based. After that we enjoyed ourselves in the beautiful Greenwich Park. We arrived at our apartments at about five o’clock. They’re really beautiful and designed in a traditional English style. We had some time to relax and eat dinner. We spent the evening talking, playing
games and swimming in the pool. It was an exciting but tiring day.

Day 2 - We began our day with the breakfast of our choice. After that we went straight towards a nearby train station, where we took a train to London Bridge. When we arrived at our destination we had our first experience with the London Underground. We left the Green Park station in which led us straight to Buckingham Palace, where we had the chance to see the guards change. Our next stop was at St. James Park - we saw horse guards. When we were done there we went to the Downing Street - where the Prime Minister lives. We also took many pictures in the iconic red telephone boxes. Later, we saw Westminster and the Elizabeth Tower (also known as Big Ben - except that's the name of the Bell in the Tower) which is currently under renovation. We crossed the Westminster Bridge and went on a cruise around the centre of London - we saw many amazing landmarks such as St. Paul's Cathedral, Shakespeare's Globe and world's most photographed Bridge - the Tower Bridge. After our voyage we watched a 4D movie about the London Eye and then we had a ride on it. After that we went on a walk and when we were finished we took a train back home. After that day our feet hurt a little because of how much we walked, but it was all worth it.

THE OPEN DAY in Our School – Primary School number 21

On 28th of February, the Open Day took place in our school -Primary School number 21.
Students from ours school with teachers were involved in preapring that day for our guests who came to visit us that aftenoon.
Lots of kids and parents from all schools and kindergartens in Rzeszów visited our school to see our artisitic programme ,to visit our classes and to get to know our offer for the coming year.
Teachers from our school as well as Headmistress welcomed everyone warmly .
Our class 8C was responsible for showing the school around.
During the Open Day, our guests were able to see different kinds of performances preapred by our students.
Students from our class 8c were dressed up as fairy-tale characters to welcome everyone and show the school around.
Some volunteers from our class cooked food for guests.
We all enjoyed having lots of fun.
Hope to see all kids and teenargers again in September as pupils in our school! 

The School Open Day

The first day On 28th February 2019 our school organised the School Open Day for students who would like to attend our school in a year 2019/2020. During that day both students and their parents could see our new school, classrooms as well as the afterschool club and the canteen. They were also able to find out something about our interesting extracurricular classes, which are held for us. Students and their parents also had the opportunity to talk to the teachers. My class very actively contributed to this event as we prepared a lot sweets for our guests including: muffins, cakes, cookies and lollipops. Our visitors were greeted with them at the main entrance. We are very happy that parents and their children could visit our school.
                                                   Tymek, 7b


The first day
A few days ago, we were in Warsaw. Our trip was fantastic because we spent a lot of time together. On the first day of our journey we had to meet at 4.00 am and then we have been travelling for many hours by our coach. When we got to Warsaw, our teachers at the British Council were waiting for us. After an interesting lesson we had a test. In my opinion British Council has great classes for students and their exams are really good. Then we had some time to eat lunch. After the meal some of us went to the Escape Room and some went to the bowling club. In the evening we went to our hotel ‘Syrenka’. Later on we ordered a pizza! This is our favourite day that we have ever had.
Wiktoria, 7b

The second day
On the second day of our trip to Warsaw we went to the Copernicus Science Center. I was there for the first time and it made a huge impression on me. We have been divided into several groups. We have seen many interesting inventions and devices and we could read a lot about them. Thanks to this I got a lot of interesting information about Physics Aerodynamics and Hydrostatics. After that we went to the Planetarium which was in the same building. After entering the room and sitting, the master told us a lot of interesting facts about the constellations and how to find them. Then we watched the film about the Moon, Sun and Earth in English language. After finishing the movie we left the Planetarium and had lunch in Golden Terraces. In my opinion, the trip to Warsaw was successful because we have learnt plenty of interesting things! I can say that the trip was great.
Bartek, 7b

On 14th January class 7B went to the Blood Donation Centre in Rzeszów. First, we put on some special shoes to protect us and other patients from any bacterium. Our tour guide told us how important blood donation is. Next, we went to the laboratory where we saw a bone marrow and plasma in the special machines. We could observe plasma which was frozen in the fridges. Their temperatures were -90C! This trip was very interesting as well as educational and we hope that people will understand the importance of blood donation.
Tymek, 7b  foto

We’re helping our little mates to learn English

One of our bilingual classses - 8C - started a new project aimed at helping our first graders in the process of learning English. First task is to create the pictionaries for the youngest students of our school. The results will be visible soon as we will post the pictures of the pictionaries prepared by the class 8C
Jedna z naszych dwujęzycznych klas – 8C – rozpoczęła realizację nowego projektu, który ma na celu pomoc pierwszoklasistom w procesie nauki języka angielskiego. Pierwszym krokiem jest stworzenie dla najmłodszych uczniów naszej szkoły słownika obrazkowego w formie plakatów, które zawisną w salach nauczania wczesnoszkolnego. Wkrótce umieścimy zdjęcia słowników obrazkowych wykonanych przez naszych dwujęzycznych uczniów.

“Polish cities”

On January 3rd our class - 7b had a Geography lesson with presentations about some cities in Poland. The lesson was in English. Students showed some interesting presentations. For example about: Poznań (the capital of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship), Warsaw (the capital of Poland) and Przemyśl. We learned a lot of information about the cities (including events and monuments). We also got to know about the smallest town in Poland.
It was a great, funny lesson and we wish we had lessons like that more often.

Students and teachers from Hungary visited our school

In October students and teachers from Hungary visited our school. We were so excited. After their arrival, we ate lunch and showed them our school. Then we played a volleyball match between Polish and Hungarian student. It was an amazing international challenge for us! In our opinion people from Hungary are so good and professional at volleyball! After the match our friends from Hungary came to our houses. During the second day we played some language games at school and then we were exploring Rzeszów. The weather wasn’t really good but sightseeing was awesome. We think that it was really interesting and important lesson about our city. We ate lunch in a restaurant and next we had some free time so we came to our houses and relaxed. In the evening everybody met in Flypark and we spent one hour there. We jumped on trampolines and played some games in a pool with sponges. After that we were so hungry so we went to Chillita restaurant and ate pizza. We were talking about Polish and Hungarian traditions, singers, actors and much more. Finally we came to our houses because we were so tired! On the last day we gave our new friends some Polish sweets and said GOODBYE to them! This exchange was really cool! We wish that Hungarian friends liked our school, country and people. We are really excited about meeting them again.
Maja H. 7b

Sesja zdjęciowa

On a beautiful sunny day in September our class, by courtesy of Mrs Katarzyna Michno, took part in an outdoor photo session. We had a lot of fun, laugh and joy. These will be our first photos, which will remind us of the moments together.

Wycieczka do Krakowa

On 20th September classes 7b and 3c took part in an amazing trip to Cracow. We met at 7:15 in front of the school. Then we took places in the bus, our teacher counted us and after a few minutes we set off. During the way we were talking, listening to music, singing and reading books. After 2 hours, we got off in Cracow. We were hungry so we went to Mc Donald’s. We ordered food and something to drink. We spent a half of hour there. Then we went to sweets manufacture called Ciuciu Cukier Artis. We could taste handmade candies and do our own lollipops. While we were doing our lollipops we could win another ones. To win them we had to answer some questions. After we left sweets manufacture we went to a town square. The weather was great so we could go for a walk. We stopped near the river where we could rest and talk. After that we went for dinner. Then we went to the Cracow’s underground. We had a tour guide who explained us everything in English. The place was amazing as we could see exhibits and we watched the film about dragon and prince. When we finished our visit in the underground we went to our bus. During the ride we were talking and singing. We were in Rzeszów at nine o’clock. In my opinion that was the best trip that I have ever been on.

Our trip to Andalusia, Spain.

In April 2018 pupils from our school had an opportunity to visit one of the regions in Spain- Andalusia. We were in cities such as Sevilla, Granada or Malaga, where we saw monuments like La Giralda, La Catedral de Sevilla, Real Alcazar, Alhambra. Our task was to gather information about them by asking questions to local people. We also saw artworks in Picasso Museum and heard history of the British Gibraltar.
But the trip wasn't only about sightseeing. The main point was to explore Spanish culture, practise language, meet Spanish people and experience as much Spain as we could. So in the programme were 3 days in Spanish schools. We could observe the differences beetwen Polish and Spanish educational system. And we could, of course, learn how to dance flamenco! Some of us even made new friends.
It would be sin if we hadn't gone to the beach. Of course we spend some time listening to the sound of the sea.
To sum up, we will definitely remember this trip for a very long time. It was interesting experience to know different culture.
Sigtseeing, practising, relaxing and exploring – that’s Andalusia in just a few words.

Trip to Ireland

In our honest opinon Ireland is a beautiful country. On our school trip we learned a lot about irish culture and people living there. Inhabitants are very friendly, happy and nice. We saw a lot of interesting museums and monuments in Dublin and Belfast. We were in among others: Titanic Museum, National Museum of Ireland, Trinity College… Everything was perfectly planning. Food prepared by Kamil was delicious! We would like return to Ireland in the future. This trip was great! Foto
                                    Anna, Zuzanna, Malwina, Marta, Agata, Kasia

Lekcja geografii w klasie dwujęzycznej

On 4 th January some pupils from our bilingual class prepared a very exciting multimedia presentations about Poles in Siberia and America, national minorities: Belarusians, Ucrainians, Jews and ethnic minorities: Romanies, Tatars and Lemkos. We learned a lot about their religion, traditional clothing, culture. We would like to have more lessons like this in the future cause we think it was a real challange for us! foto

Class trip to Warsaw
to gain some knowledge and have a lot of fun

On 26th September we went to our capital city- Warsaw. It all started at 3 a.m and we were still very sleepy. Departure was at about 4 a.m.
The trip passed very quickly and cheerfully. We were in Warsaw about 10 a.m. Over 11 a.m. we started language versions in British Council. The building was very big and modern. We were divided into two language groups.
One group started by writing a computer test, the second group took part in the meetings with "Lord of the ring".
It was amazing to have a chance to listen, watch and take part in speaking.
We are very satisfied and happy to stay at this place.
After we went out from British Council, we went to shopping mall ''Koszyki'' to eat something ‘’yummy’’.
Some people went to pancakes restaurant, some to sushi restaurant...
After that, we went to our coach bus and about 23 p.m.
We came back to Rzeszów That's trip was amazing and we are waiting for the next one!
                                Prepared by 7c


Klasa dwujęzyczna 7C

wychowawca: mgr Elżbieta Pikus


Chemistry in the kitchen, bathroom and beyond.....

During the chemistry lesson the students of grade 8c got to know the use of salt in everyday life (not only rock salt, which we use to season and preserve food in the kitchen). They also learned about the salts that are used in construction, agriculture and medicine.
They presented the effects of their work in the form of posters.

14 lutego to magiczna data Dzień Zakochanych St Valentines'Day , w tym wyjątkowym dniu każdy z nas może w niepowtarzalny sposób wyznać sobie uczucia swoim najbliższym.
Skąd wzięły się Walentynki? Jak podają źródła literatury dzieło Williama Szekspira – Hamlet, uczynił dzień świętego Walentego, świętem zakochanych:

Dzień dobry, dziś święty Walenty.
Dopiero co świtać poczyna;
Młodzieniec snem leży ujęty,
A hoża doń puka dziewczyna.
Poskoczył kochanek, wdział szaty,
Drzwi rozwarł przed swoją jedyną
I weszła dziewczyna do chaty,
Lecz z chaty nie wyszła dziewczyną.
— Ofelia

Posłuchajcie historii święta w języku angielskim przygotowane przez uczniów klasy dwujęzycznej 7c : Antosię, Dagmarę Natalkę, Aleksandrę , Bartka i specjalnie dedykacja dla Was - piosenka ''My herat will go on'' Celine Dion w wykonaniu Miłosza.

i koniecznie obejrzyjcie prezentacje koleżanek z klasy dwujęzycznej 8c : Wiktorii S , Blanki i Niki.

Soil is a thin, outer layer that covers almost the entire surface of the globe. It was formed as a result of soil-forming processes from weathered rock, i.e., long-term exposure to
- water,
- air,
- varying temperatures,
- microorganisms.
As a part of the topic of soils in Poland, discussed during the geography lesson, students made soil profiles, i.e. its vertical cross-sections. To create them they used different products that they could find in their kitchen or garden. The effects of their work can be admired on the attached pictures. I congratulate all students on their creativity and inventiveness. foto

Nice to e-meet you - międzynarodowy projekt wymiany językowo-kulturowej online.
Zapraszamy do obejrzenia relacji:

Does online learning have to be boring?

During online learning, Students of the 7th grade created “rainbows in a glass”. While carrying out experiments, students discover the world differently. Students of the 7th-grade show creativity and ingenuity. Let’s see the effect of their work.

Students of grades 7 and 8 made presentations in English on the topic "The Godfather of Mount Kosciuszko" during their geography lessons and "Ignacy Moscicki - Acid and Politics" during their chemistry lessons as part of the school-wide project "Independence in times of pandemics - PODKARPACIE INDEPENDENCE".
While working in pairs they were able to communicate and establish relationships which is especially important during remote learning. They were solving the tasks under time pressure and were responsible for the completion of the exercises.


So everyone is stuck at home for a month and it doesn't seem to change in the near future because of coronavirus. And you might think that you can't do anything about it but by staying at home you are already stopping coronavirus from spreading. So here I am with some tips and tricks for boredom at home. First thing by you cannot be bored is cleaning your house. I know that it is not interesting but by doing it your home can be tidier and also your parents will be happy because they will be able to take rest after a long day of working. As I am talking about helping parents you can help them in other ways for example by cooking dinner, doing the laundry or washing the dishes. By the way you can get some skills that will be useful in the future. Next tip for boredom in your house is to learn some fun skills for example jugglery. If you have got a dog that's great because you can learn him how to give a paw or to sit. Or if you think that you are not active enough you can do some workout at home. You can do all of these things in your house but remember that this time is not holidays so you need to learn and attend online lessons.
                                          Wojtek 8b

Geography lesson about India!

In a geography lesson about the exotic country like India, students shared souvenirs brought by relatives and mentioned interesting topics and facts concerning black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, fenugreek, kalapsi, some green tea and also the camel and elephants.

Klasa dwujęzyczna 7b odwiedziła British Council w Warszawie

Klasa dwujęzyczna 7b wybrała się do Warszawy aby wziąć udział w warsztatach językowych "Brit up!" w Britsh Council. Uczniowie mieli okazję sprawdzić swoje umiejętności językowe, biorąc udział w sesji komputerowej testu Aptis for Tenns. Po zakończonym teście otrzymali certyfikaty z ich aktualnym poziomem językowym.  Ponadto odwiedzili Centrum Nauki Kopernik oraz udali się na nocne zwiedzanie warszawskiej Starówki. foto

Goście z Węgier

On 6th of November our school greeted friends from Hungary. On the first day we made posters about Poland and Hungary together in mixed groups. Then we went to our houses, went to the shopping centre or visited FlyPark. Next day we went to the center of the city. We had a special meeting in the town hall. Our friends from Hungary got to know a lot of information about our city. After the lesson in the town hall we visited Underground Tourist Route. We learnt about history of Rzeszów. We also visited the place where we could create a lego robots! We organised a race. It was fun! We built very high tower and much more.Then we were a bit hungry so we went to Galaktyka and ate lunch. After that we went bowling. After all of these attractions we were very tired so we went to our houses to rest. Last day we showed our school to people from Hungary and spent last minutes with them. Next we said ''Goodbye!” to them. We had an amazing time with them!

Klasa 7b w "Kuli"

On 17th of October, our bilingual class 7b were on the first trip.
One of the attractions was bowling game in Kula Club in Rzeszów.
We enjoyed throwing a bullet , taking part into comepetition and talking to each other. We found out who is the best player in the class and who needed to practise.
It was a great time for us. We enjoyed a lot and had a lot of fun.
Then, we went to the Spanish restaurant to try a traditional Spanish dishes, Spanish cook told us about the origin of each cusine. The language of our comunication was Engligh and Spanish. We learnt some new vocabularies in Spanish and got to know some traditional recipes.
There were a lot of flowers in the blue flowerpot. in the restaurant which looks like typical Spanish towns.
,,Tapas” was very delicious for us. But we also tried few other starters of different flavours. The eggplant with honey was the best!!!!!
Finally, we went to the fountain and we took a lot class photos.
The time that we spnet together helped to strengthen the bounds and got to know the whole class. GREAT TIME!!!

 Master Chef Junior po hiszpańsku

The Spanish group from bilingual class 8b, participated in cooking classes in Boguchwała. Our teacher of cooking was Mr Omar Cardenas. We made two types of tortillas. The first was a traditional Spanish tortilla which contains potatoes, eggs, green onion, tomatoes. The second tortilla was from Mexico and it includes special bread, ham, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce. It was delicious. I hope we will make Spanish food again.
Wiktoria, 8b

Dzień języków obcych

On September 26, we celebrate the European Day of Languages. On this occasion, class 8b was preparing special projects to help their younger friends learn English. It's one assignment students tend to get excited about: making their own BOARD GAMES! Board games aren't just fun, they can be a handy educational tool. The results of our work were great. We hope that young students will enjoy learning through play

Dzień piąty w Londynie

Day 5: Today was a very exciting day. Our first stop was the British Museum in which we could see over thirteen milion exhibits from different eras and places. The most popular ones are the Rosetta Stone and mummies from ancient Egypt. They were very impressive. Next, we visited Madame Tussauds. We saw a lot of wax figures of famous people there and took pictures with them. Then we watched a 4D Avengers movie and learnt about the history of London during a rollercoaster ride. All of it was a very fun experience. After that, we went to the Oxford Street which is known for its variety of shops. There we got a chance to buy some souvenirs and clothing for ourselves. It was such an amazing day with a lot of great attractions.

Operacja LONDYN w toku...

dzień 1 - Wielka Brytania przywitała nas piękną pogodą. Po spokojnym locie mamy już za sobą pierwszy dzień zwiedzania: dziś dzień w Greenwich, południk zerowy, piękny widok na Londyn oraz Maritime Museum i zakwaterowanie w typowym brytyjskim domku.
dzień 2 - Pogoda nadal dopisuje- dziś pierwsza podróż londyńska koleją i metrem, spacer po parku królewskim - St James Park, zmiana warty pod Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament, Westminister Abbey, ulica Whitehall, Downing Street, Horse Guards Parade a następnie niesamowity rejs po Tamizie i przejażdżka w London Eye, na koniec chwilka czasu przy National Theatre pokazująca prawdziwe popołudniowe życie Londynu. A na koniec dnia zajęcia w grupach.
dzień 3 - Dzisiejsze zwiedzanie rozpoczęte przy the Tower of London, nastepnie Hay's Galleria i dalszy spacer wzdluż Tamizy z przystsnkiem przy the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Podziwialiśmy dzieła sztuki w Tate Modern w budynku starej elektrowni. Przeszliśmy przez Millenium Bridge w kierunku St Paul's Cathedral i udalusmy sie do Museum of London. Dzieki uprzejmosci Pana Andrzeja ostatnie chwile dnia ponadprogramowo spedzilismy w Covent Garden.
dzień 4 - Dziś dzień pełen emocji... Wizyta w British Museum a następnie Madame Tussauds a potem to na co wszyscy czekali.... zakupy na Oxford Street...

We are pleased to inform that we have started the preparation to our return visit in Nyíregyháza. All of the students of 7th or 8th grade willing to visit that beautiful Hungarian city are asked to come forward to Mrs Agnieszka Szuberla until the end of March. Planned date of the visit 5-7th June.

In May we are going on the trip to London. That is why during our English lesson we have been doing projects about this wonderful place.
London is one of the most interesting cities in Europe. During holidays many tourists from all over the world come to London, which is situated on the river Thames. It has great museums with priceless exhibits, old markets, clean green parks and the best shops in Europe. There is something for everyone!
When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben - tower clock, famous for its accuracy and for its massive bell. Another attraction of the city is The Buckingham Palace. It is probably most famous for being the home of the British monarchy. You can see the Changing of the Guard every day outside Buckingham Palace. We found out that there are 600 rooms and three miles of red carpet. In the city you can travel by bus, by train, by underground or taxi to get to different places. London has 3 main airports: Heathrow which is the biggest, Gatwick and Stansed. A lot of popular actors, actress and musicians live in London, for example Mick Jagger, George Michael, Annie Lenox. Even if you do not see them in the street, you can "meet" them or other famous people as wax figures at Madame Tussaud's.
                                   Class 7b                     foto

On vacation to Kenya

On a cold, frosty day, class 8c decided to feel at least a taste of vacation ... .. choosing a virtual trip to Kenya.
During an exotic trip we had the opportunity to get to know the climate and environment of this charming country and, above all, the richness of fauna: zebras, elephants, leopards, buffalo. Kenya has a lot to offer ... ..white, sandy beaches, safaris, herds of flamingos, coral reefs, national parks. Residents, among others The Maasai people are very kind and willingly invite you to the show of tribal dances and customs, wanting to bring their culture closer to tourists. During the lesson we had the opportunity to see various photos, videos showing even a school in Kenya. We also saw the "Top Ten" of Kenya, the 10 biggest attractions of this beautiful country.
We invite you on a journey through Kenya !! foto

Christmas Eve

On the 21st of December we had a class Christmas Eve. We had a lot of fun and we spent a great time. Everybody brought something to eat or drink as well as plates, glasses, forks, knives, tablecloths and plenty of cakes, cupcakes and gingerbreads. At the beginning of the Christmas Eve we sang a few Christmas songs. It was really funny because we sang horribly but it isn’t important to sing beautiful, but to enjoy it. Then we shared a special wafer when exchanging Christmas greetings and ate delicious dumplings and we drank hot borscht. Every student in our class felt well. That was an amazing day.  foto
Wiktoria, 7b

A unique geography lesson!

On the 30th of October, the bilingual class 8C had an exceptional geography lesson. The topic was India. Under the teacher’s supervision, one student prepared a presentation about India and he was not only dressed like an Indian person, but he spoke like one too! The other students talked about the cast system in India, while some showed famous Bollywood dance moves-all dressed like Indians! All the students prepared facts considered to be interesting for them and presented them to the class. The lesson was very informative and educative, while at the same time full of humor. Everyone had the impression of actually being in India and grasping the atmosphere of the amazing country.
The students also presented dietary habits in India, showing the characteristic spices of Indian cuisine: cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, saffron. The topic of India was also found in our geographical corner in the school corridor. foto

Our trip to

As a new class at school we want to get to know each other better, so on 13th of September we went on an integration trip to a ranch in Pstrągowa, a small village in southern Poland. The main attractions were eating sausages and baked potatoes from the campfire, playing volleyball or jumping on a trampoline. At the end of the the trip, we took a ride with a chaise but the biggest fun turned out to be a mini zoo tour, which is located in the resort. We could see horses, lambs, goats, fallow deer and llamas. The Llamas were the most popular among the participants of the journey and in my opinion too. We had the opportunity to feed the llamas with bread and make selfie with them. We appreciate this tour very much and we definitely feel more integrated as a group.
                                              Wiktoria, kl.7b



In the peaceful joys of Christmas, in the stars that shine above, In the wonder of the season..may you find hope and promise that will fill this Christmas season with very special happiness for you!
May the Love, Peace, and Joy of Christmas be yours always with you.
Merry Christmas to all of you , smile at face, many sunny days and everything the best!
Happy New Year 2018!!!!
from 7c students and our teacher Ms Pikus

Santa Claus Day in our class:

Our class 7c love singing Christmas song. On 7th December Santa Claus came to us with lots of presents.
Bye the way ,it was our classmate Bartek dressed up as Santa but he was lovely and cute.
He was having his helpers, Elfs:Amelia, Ola and Wiktoria.

It was our first Santa Claus Day with lots of fun, joy, hapiness and lovely presents that we received. Memorable experience.

Obviously, we sang lots of Christmas songs… for our Santa to express our gratitude.

"Our class 7C is bilingual, what means that we have some subjects in English, such as math. During the lesson, we practice English, and at the end of the topics we have short tests in this language. Our maths lessons are designed so that the student can understand them. Each math lesson provides learning ideal for students of all abilities.

Nasza klasa 7C jest dwujęzyczna, co oznacza, ze mamy niektóre przedmioty, takie jak matematyka, w języku angielskim. Podczas lekcji ćwiczymy w języku angielskim, a na końcu działów mamy kartkówki w tym języku. Nasze lekcje matematyki są tak zaprojektowane, aby uczeń je zrozumiał. Każda lekcja matematyki zapewnia naukę idealną dla uczniów o różnych umiejętnościach.
                                                                                Ola Sawicka 7c

Workshops preparing us to the international exchange in Switzerland are behind us. Due to cooperation with Stifting Kinderdorf Pestalozzi, in January 2018, a group of our students is going on an unforgettable experience on which they are going to learn more about tolerance, intercultural communication and their identity. During the workshops youth from 3 Polish schools discussed the topics about culture, communities of today and their influence on our lives. Thanks to that, they familiarised with subjects, which will be extended in Trogen. We hope that the integration we have dome will make our collaboration easier.

Za nami warsztaty przygotowujące do projektu wymiany międzynarodowej do Szwajcarii. Dzięki współpracy z Stiftung Kinderdorf Pestalozzi już w styczniu 2018 roku grupa naszych uczniów wybiera się na niezapomnianą przygodę, w czasie której nauczy się więcej o dyskryminacji, tolerancji, komunikacji międzykulturowej oraz własnej tożsamości.
W czasie warsztatów młodzież z trzech polskich szkół dyskutowała o kulturze, dzisiejszym społeczeństwie i o ilch wpływie na nasze życie. Dzięki tym warsztatom uczniowie zapoznali się wstępnie z tematami, które w szerszym zakresie będą realizować w Trogen. Mamy nadzieję, że dzięki integracji nasza współpraca będzie przebiegać owocnie.

Europejski dzień języków obcych - 26.09

Klasa dwujęzyczna 7c oraz klasa z innowacją językową 2d  pod opieką nauczycieli p.Elżbiety Pikus, Blanki Bieleckiej, Agnieszki Krauz i Beaty Lewickiej spędziły w Warszawie w British Council uczestnicząc w warsztatowych językowych.

Całodzienny aktywny kontakt z żywym językiem angielskim,pozwolił przełamać blokadę w używaniu języka angielskiego poza szkołą, co więcej wyposażył uczniów w ciekawą i praktyczną wiedzę, która pomoże lepiej przygotować się do różnych egzaminów z języka angielskiego.

Uczniowie przystąpili do egzaminu komputerowego Aptis for Teens, uzyskując wiarygodny raport językowy British Council, określający ich obecny poziom językowy .

Wzięli również udział w warsztatach pt.”The Lord of the Rings, czyli ożywiony świat Śródziemia, gdzie przygoda, przyjaźń, zdrada i honor tworzą historię fantasy wszech czasów.’’
Crème de la crème naszego pobytu w stolicy było spotkanie z Michałem Szpakiem, który zgodził się zrobić sobie z nami ‘’sweet focie’’ i udzielił nam krótkiego wywiadu. Miodzio!!!!.

Po warsztatach mieliśmy okazję spróbować naleśników w słynnej Kryperii.
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